  • Meteo
  • WebCam
  1. La Val di Sole vista da WEB DESIGNER

  2. Pellizzano visto da HOTEL PEZZOTTI

  3. Il Passo Tonale visto da HOTEL LA TORRETTA

  4. La Presanella vista da HOTEL CHALET AL FOSS

Alpine Lakes

Nearly 10 per cent of the 3,000 lakes counted on the whole alpine range, are located in the Trentino Region and this is the reason for giving this region the appellative of "little Finland", in which as good as 297 lakes, mostly originating from glaciers (for a total area of 35 sq Km) dot flatlands, uplands, mountains and forests, pasturages up to the glaciers.  

In Val di Sole there are around 100 little lakes. They are mostly concentrated in the Ortles-Cevedale mountain range, between Val di Rabbi and Val di Peio. In some cases they are just little "tear-drops" in the green landscape.
Hotel Chalet al Foss - Vermiglio Sport Hotel Rosatti - Dimaro Hotel Rosa degli Angeli - Peio Hotel Arcangelo - Pellizzano
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