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Polenta di formenton

300 g of buckwheat flour, 2 litres of milk, half a litre of dry white wine, butter, salt.
300 g of maize flour per litre of water for a thick, compact polenta, 250 g for a medium-thick polenta, 200 g for a very soft polenta, salt.
For best results, polenta should be cooked in a copper pot over a wood-burning fire. To cook it properly, polenta should be mixed clockwise virtually all the time, using the traditional wooden méscola (a long utensil similar to a rolling pin), which should be drawn diagonally across the mix from time to time. What is especially important is to avoid unpleasant lumps forming; this can be done by sprinkling the flour into the water just before it boils and mixing it in to begin with using a standard kitchen whisk. The polenta should be cooked for at least 40 minutes, and can be left to cool for a few minutes once it has been tipped out onto the wooden board it is served on.

Recommended wines:
Red, preferably Cabernet or Lagrein, served at a temperature of around 18 °C

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