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1 kg of sauerkraut, 1 good-sized onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 laurel leaf, 4 peppercorns, 3 juniper berries, 1 tbsp. of wheat flour, butter, salt, pepper.  
Sauerkraut, as well as being eaten raw in order to preserve its superb natural properties, can also be cooked in a wide range of ways. Here is just one of them: Place the sauerkraut in a pan, add just enough water to cover it, then add half a sliced onion, the laurel leaf, the garlic, the peppercorns and the juniper berries and cook for about half an hour over a moderate heat. In the meantime, in another pan, brown the rest of the onion, chopped, in the butter, sprinkle over the flour and brown the whole mixture, mixing carefully. Then add the sauerkraut and mix well. Add salt if required and flavour with a pinch of pepper to taste only once the sauerkraut is fully cooked.

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