  • Meteo
  • WebCam
  1. La Val di Sole vista da WEB DESIGNER

  2. Pellizzano visto da HOTEL PEZZOTTI

  3. Il Passo Tonale visto da HOTEL LA TORRETTA

  4. La Presanella vista da HOTEL CHALET AL FOSS

Section Ossana-Croviana

Immediately after the waters-meet of the Noce and Vermigliana rivers, in Cusiano there is an ideal location for starting an excursion by kayak through the Val di Sole. The current is not too raging, the wave passages are not superior to the second degree. In this stretch the Noce is channelled by artificial banks and follows in this same way, with strong speed up to a kilometre after Pellizzano. Here the banks stop abruptly and we are in front of an artificial jump, to be passed only after careful recognition.  

After the jump the river does not, at least for some kilometres, present big difficulties (third degree) up to the village of Mezzana, where the current increases its speed forming third and fourth degree passages with continuing and uninterrupted rapids for around two kilometres. On these rapids, for a stretch of 600 metres, from May to September a slalom is installed ready for international competitions and high-level training.

After the bridge downstream of Mezzana-Marilleva, the Noce river poses third and fourth degree difficulties up to Mestriago, where difficulties diminish. Between wooded banks we approach Dimaro, where after a wide curve, an artificial barrage would force to transloading, but thanks to a water chute on the right orographic side, it is possible to get directly to the large bend of Dimaro.  

In questo punto, dove l'acqua è tranquilla, è allestito per tutto l'anno - tranne il periodo invernale - il campo scuola del Centro Canoa Val di Sole e proprio a poche decine di metri dal fiume - presso il Campeggio Dolomiti di Brenta - opera la Scuola Nazionale di Canoa. Poco più a valle del ponte di Dimaro ha inizio la famosa "rapida della segheria", riservata a canoisti esperti a causa della difficoltà che può raggiungere anche il quinto grado e la cui ricognizione è possibile dalla sponda destra.
Rafting in Val di Sole - Il torrente Noce - Tratto Ossana-Croviana
Hotel Chalet al Foss - Vermiglio Sport Hotel Rosatti - Dimaro Hotel Rosa degli Angeli - Peio Hotel Arcangelo - Pellizzano
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